Science Magazine published an article that began by investigating epigenetic effects of maternal behavior in rats (Miller, 2010), and further discussed epigenetic effects in rats related to drug addiction. Last week we spoke of how epigenetic modifications linked maternal care to stress response in rats. The article continues to elaborate on other epigenetic research conducted in rodents, specifically that undertaken by Eric Nestler. Nestler's studies have concluded that in rodents, cocaine creates epigenetic changes in the genome that, "make the brain more sensitive to the next dose," as stated by Nestler (Miller, 2010).
Nestler administered cocaine in the rat model and identified that repeated administration caused suppression of methylation on a specific histone. This suppression occurred within the nucleus accumbens, responsible for pleasure and reward in our brain.
But what does this suppression cause?
Suppression of methylation on this histone in rats that had never been exposed to cocaine resulted in a growth of extra dendritic spines.
These spines extend off the dendrite of a neuron and are what causes the neurons to be more sensitive.
Nestler also found that suppression of methylation on this histone increased rats yearning for cocaine after they had finally tried the drug.
Stop! What if instead of suppressing methylation we enhanced methylation?
Nestler researched this as well. He found that enhancing methylation of that histone reduced rats yearning for cocaine.
Unfortunately for us, Nestler states in the article that any applications of this in human drug addicts are far from completion. Although these epigenetic changes are a key link into formulating new addiction treatments.
Miller, G. (2010). The Seductive Allure of Behavioral Epigenetics. Science Magazine, 329 (5987), 24-27. doi: 10.1126/science.329.5987.24
Pictures all accessed 28/03/2015 and referenced from top to bottom of blog entry: